Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Investing time to save a soul!

What am I doing to help bring someone to the Kingdom of Heaven? Am I doing everything that I can possibly do to see someone saved? Or am I so consumed with my own little busy life that I don’t have time for the Kingdom of Heaven. Serious questions we have to ask ourselves. It’s so easy to get caught up with life that you unintentionally leave out the souls that need our prayers, love, and fellowship! The Bible says only what’s done for Christ will last!! Why do we so easily forget that!! We can’t take this world to Heaven with us.. but we can take a soul with us.

Now that I’m married.. the stress of wedding plans are over, the stress of the first wedding night is over, and the stress of getting the room prepared for us to live in is over! Married life is beautiful.. the honeymoon period… I hope it never ends. I pray that we fall so much deeper in love like the couples that we look up too (the Kings, the Bentley’s, the Walz’, the DeMan’s). It’s so exciting to the both of us to see where God is going to lead us in the new Journey that we have embarked upon. We are anxiously waiting & trusting in God.

I have to keep reminding myself that this world is not my home… I can’t wait to see the face of my precious Saviour, Jesus Christ! God has been so good!

3 Opinions:

Amy St. Pierre said...

You both just glow, Jess, and I love the name!!! Mrs. De Leeuw!!! Congrats again!

jennifer lord said...

hi, i'm jen :). congratulations on your recent wedding!!

Jessica deLeeuw said...

Thanks peeps!

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